New regulation for ewaste management in indonesia in drafting process 8. Efficient ewaste management system needs effective legal systems coupled with. The waste management project of green channel will aim to create an efficient system of processes at every level collection, segregation and treatment in a way that will sustain itself in the future. As a result, the ewaste disposal issue has attracted the. Informal processing of ewaste in developing countries can lead to adverse human health effects and. Niir project consultancy services 106e, kamla nagar, opp. The waste management project has been designed at green channel to resolve the waste problem in bangladesh.
This page contains e waste management seminar and ppt with pdf report. The culmination of the future of electronic waste management in california project is a report with a set of recommendations that calrecycle adopted at its 2018 may public meeting. It is evident that ewaste is growing faster than that of other waste streams and it needs a priority attention for its environmentally sound management. Main source of electronic waste in india are the government, public and. Highly evolvable ewaste recycling technologies and systems. The rule also specifies the standards for waste disposal. The technology choices outlined below are general guidelines for disposal and storage of waste onsite, these may be adapted for the particular site and situation in question. Highly evolvable e waste recycling technologies and systems giacomo copani, nicoletta picone, marcello colledani, monica pepe and alessandro tasora abstract materials recycling is a key process to close the loop of materials in the direction of circular economy.
Ewaste management through recycling ayesha anam, anjum syed. The generation of solid waste is on the increase due to rapid rise in. The project pilot project on environmentally sound management of ewastes in swaziland was funded by the european union. The project aims to put in force sustainable systems of waste collection, segregation, and treatment along with a controlled, systematic and creative ways of reducing waste generation across the country. Current condition policy and regulation on ewaste management in indonesia 3. Best management practices for hospital waste publication number 05040. An initiative to raise awareness and educate people about proper electronic waste management through symposia and annual collection drives. Further background information on ewaste management, the basel convention on the. Disposal methods of ewaste in india survey conducted in. Also explore the seminar topics paper on ewaste with abstract or synopsis, documentation on advantages and disadvantages, base paper presentation slides for ieee final year electronics and telecommunication engineering or ece students for the year 2015 2016. With the passage of the electronic waste recycling act of 2003, certain portions of. Pdf e waste contains both hazardous and nonhazardous substances in their components. Admin should be the panchayath and should be able to monitor the staffs and customer and send emails to them for communications.
The ewaste management process currently going on in india and how it can be improved for the betterment of the surrounding is also represented in this thesis. They also specify standards for compost quality, leachate con. The project is part of ecologys mercury action plan to. Oecd 2001 ewaste is defined as any appliance sing an electric power supply that. Electronic waste or ewaste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices.
Informal processing of ewaste in developing countries can lead to adverse human health effects and environmental pollution. Pdf ewaste management, disposal and its impacts on the. Reuse, refurbishment or repair of electronic products is most desirable since this option increases the life span of the electronic product and higher resource efficiency. Moreover, the current and the future production of ewaste, the potential. The best way to treat e waste is to recycle it properly. The scope for ewaste recycling project is very good. Computers, televisions, vcrs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products. E waste comprises many different components and requires specialised equipment to dismantle. There is a conditional exclusion for stateonly dangerous waste disposal of controlled substances. Explore ewaste with free download of seminar report and ppt in pdf and doc format. Thus public interest litigation pil was filed in the supreme court in 1996 against the government of india and. Reviewed by civil association project healthy hospitals phs. Contact receiving services 4592354 or 4592925 for more information regarding electronic waste handling and removal, or the building facilities person for disposal information in your building or department. Moreover, the current and the future production of e waste, the potential environmental problems associated with their disposal and management practices are discussed whereas the existing e waste management schemes in greece and other countries japan, switzerland are also quoted.
Electronic waste management california department of. Improper disposal of e waste leads to environmental pollution and this may in turn harm human health. A country report waste electrical and electronic equipment, which attempts to formalize ewaste recycling in china by. The etrash transparency project was designed to once and for all get real data to find out what really happens when you drop your old computer, monitor or printer at a charity or at an electronics recycler. E waste management seminar and ppt with pdf report. Reduce generation of waste besides creating efficient and sustainable systems of waste management the project will also aim. Pdf waste electrical and electronic equipment weee is becoming major thread to. Ewaste or electronic waste, therefore, broadly describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, broken, electrical or electronic devices 4. The rules require that all cities should set up suitable waste treatment and disposal facilities. Indian institute of chemical engineers calcutta regional centre. Pdf ewaste management in india an overview researchgate. Used electronics which are destined for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered ewaste. Refer to the document below for a list of bin locations in ne district. Electronic waste disposal university of california.
Used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal are also considered ewaste. Dont disposal an electronic items irresponsible they contain toxic chemicals which is harmful to human and environment for avoiding this we have to handover an electronic items to. Waste, is a combination of used or unwanted electronic products that have exceeded their shelf life. However, classification of ewaste as hazardous or otherwise shall depend upon the extent of presence of hazardous constituents in it. Alternatives for waste management guide g314 fahzy abdulrahman1 cooperative extension service college of agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences introduction this publication provides an overview of the reasons and ways to better manage garbage or other household waste. Ewaste encompasses a board and growing range of electronic devices ranging from large household devices such as refrigerators, air conditioners, cell phones, personal stereos, and consumer electronics to computers which have been discarded by their users. Ewaste recycling technologies 20 patent landscape reports project in cooperation with for more information contact wipo at. This page contains ewaste management seminar and ppt with pdf report. Ewaste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their useful life. Supporting ghana to introduce a sustainable ewaste management system. This publication was produced by the global ewaste statistics partnership. Ewaste shall not be mixed with any other types of waste. Bmps for hospitals project and financially supported by the spokane aquifer joint board and ecology. Computer equipment, monitorstvs, cell phones, batteries, stereos, etc.
In india, the electronic waste management assumes greater significance not only due to the generation of our own waste but also dumping of ewaste i. Improper disposal of ewaste leads to environmental pollution and. Industrial strike followed by the advances in instruction technology during the last century has radically changed peoples lifestyle. The national pilot on ewaste collection and recycling, a project developed by the national development and reform commission, was conducted from 2003.
Electronic waste university of california, berkeley. Ltd, indias first government authorized electronic waste recycler started operations from september 2005,is engaged in handling, recycling and reusing of waste electrical and electronic equipment weee in eco friendly way. Ewaste categories problems growth source of ewaste hazards existing legislation need for legal framework conclusion references electronic waste or ewaste is any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic appliance ewaste includes computers, entertainment electronics, mobile phones and other items that have been discarded by their original users. The project is part of a regional project initiated by the secretariat of the basel convention in collaboration with the government of japan. The project proposal made by sri lanka encompasses six phases with a time. Electronic waste disposal global green and healthy hospitals. Inventory management, productionprocess modification.
Ewaste management in india an overview article pdf available in international journal of earth sciences and engineering 92. The attitude of people towards waste management can be affected by their level of knowledge and awareness of waste management. A study on what is e waste, e waste problems,scope of e waste, recycling of e waste e. For the waste sector in south africa this means care must be given to. Pdf the existing practices of ewaste management in india suffer. Municipal waste, solid waste, household waste, ndola, waste management, waste disposal introduction solid waste is defined as the waste arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted 1. Receiving services is the ucsc campusdesignated outlet for the disposal of ewaste. Disposal methods of ewaste in india survey conducted in chennai 507 government authorities of india to enhance the healthy living of people as well as environmental safety. For this reason, calrecycle embarked on a longterm initiative to explore the future possibilities of electronic waste management in california. Electronic waste and india ministry of electronics and.
Electronic waste or ewaste is one of the rapidly growing environmental problems of the world. Chatterjee scientiste department of information technology electronics niketan, 6, c. Electrical and electronic waste ewaste is currently the largest growing waste. A framework for excellence in environmental stewardship responsible exploration waste management eswmv1.
Abstract green computing is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently and ecofriendly. Policy for second hand electronic goods importation 6. Recycling e waste protects human and environmental health. Investment project financing republic of kenya,republic. Sustainable management of waste electrical and electronic. A study on what is ewaste, ewaste problems,scope of ewaste,recycling of ewaste e. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Need to develop an online ewaste management system in java language. Ensure the environmentally correct disposal of electronic waste generated in the albert. Indian institute of chemical engineers calcutta regional.
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